Is art torn between the commodity and the gift, the supermarket and the church?
Lee Hassall will use the gallery as a repository and home base from which to engage with the surrounding neighbourhood, gathering impressions via exchanges with objects, paraphernalia and people, culminating in a final performance action.
For two days, audience is invited to the gallery to witness the growing installation and to donate a gift for the artist. Donated items or materials may be altered, deconstructed, disappeared or hybridized. All gifts will be considered and engaged with and will become a part of the final public performance.
March 14: performance-installation in progress @ 6:00pm–8:00pm
March 15: Artist talk in gallery @ 6:00pm
March 16: Final performance @ 8:00pm
© Lee Hassall, The Gift, 2012. Photo Henry Chan.
Lee Hassall