FADO Performance Art Centre urges you not to miss this evening of new performance works from two of N. Irelandâs new generation of performance artists, Hugh OâDonnell and Sinead OâDonnell, in an evening we are calling Spotlight on Belfast.
Violence is in Me by SinĂ©ad O’Donnell
Invert Two by Hugh O’Donnell
The two O’Donnell siblings have often created performances together. However, in their premiere Toronto performance works, each artist inhabits a different physicalâand emotiveâspace in the gallery. The work of both artists is exemplified by deeply personal image-making manifested in direct response to site, and a provocative use of (and relationship with) their chosen materials. For SinĂ©ad, the materials are a stack of white dinner plates as tall as herself and a khaki green army helmet. For Hugh, these materials are salt, a paint tin full of milk, fresh liver frying in a pan, a single football shoe, a woman’s purse and a pair of gold earrings. Two words are painted on the wall “INVERT STOIC?” and his black t-shirt declares the word “PATH” on the back.
© Hugh O’Donnell, Invert Two, 2010. Photo Henry Chan.
Hugh O’Donnell

1978 â 2022
SinĂ©ad O’Donnell