Tharmila Rajasingam

Tharmila Rajasingam is a Tamil-Sri Lankan-Canadian multidisciplinary artist living and working in Toronto. Her practice includes installation, performance, sculpture, drawing, painting and print-making. Her work takes up the concept of identity through cultural practices, rituals, time, memory and repetition. Her new works have typically involved audience interaction and engagement. She holds a BA from the University of Toronto, and has participated in projects and exhibitions at Gallery 1313, VMAC Gallery, Labspace Studio, AWOL Gallery, and Gladstone Hotel.

Reimaging & Remembering by Tharmila Rajasingam

Co-Presented by FADO Performance Art Centre and SAVAC (South Asian Visual Arts Centre) in the context of the In Situ Multi Arts Festival 

Reimaging & Remembering is a site-specific performance that collects and documents drawings of the Small Arms Building visitors over the period of In Situ. The piece is an evolvement of a previous memory building project that uses blind contour drawing technique as a way to preserve memory, through repetitive and organizational procedures. The drawings of the visitors will be installed on the windows of the Small Arms Building (an abandoned WWII munitions inspection building), as the drawings are created. The faces of the visitors will embody the physical space of the Small Arms Building, when looking in or out, the faces will help viewers remember the community that help to reimagine the possibility of the space. 

In SituĀ Multi Arts FestivalĀ is presented by the Small Arms Society, an incorporated non-profit organization. Our goal is to celebrate creativity and to begin public engagement around reimagining a future for this significant historic building.