The FADO website, created by the unique minds at I Know You Know, is guided by colour and scent.
Each of the categories on this website’s navigation menu—all the ways FADO presents our work—is colour-coded and contains a description of a unique fragrance, a kind of conceptual scent. Each scent illuminates the qualities of the various ways FADO works. You can read the description of the categories/colours/scents in the footer of each web page. The notes of each scent (top, middle, and base) conjure the elements, memories, and characteristics of our performances, artists, engagements, writing, e-bulletin, and the archive.
The FADO fragrances are conceptual and actual. Some remain on the website as a description, in the form of a digital scratch n’ sniff that you imagine for yourself. Some have been formulated and are for experiencing via small editions of scented postcards mailed directly to your door (with the occasional collectible object).
We are excited to announce the third scent in the series—the most important one of all—is now available. ARTIST ORANGE is composed entirely of elements from the orange tree. The scent is the artist and the art. ARTIST ORANGE performs itself.
How does it do that, you might ask? By being worn by artists—by you! ARTIST ORANGE was formulated as a wearable scent. Sign up to receive a sample of ARTIST ORANGE in the mail today!
If you have already received the other scents on special limited edition postcards in the mail, then there is no need to do anything. ARTIST ORANGE will be coming to your mailbox this month. If you have yet to receive any of FADO’s signature scents, sign up to our mailing list with your address (or update your current profile) and start getting scented mail right away. DO THAT HERE.