Join Francesco Gagliardi, Shannon Cochrane and the artists and score-writing duos from A Score of Scores performance series as we gather post-event to reflect on collaboration, performance writing, authorship, and scores and their interpretation.
Many of the performer and score-writing duos have been working together across vast geographical divides and will not have experienced the live work created from the scores in-person. If you do not live in Toronto and/or are not able to see the performances before this artist talk, not to worry. You will be in good company.
Artists from Toronto, Ottawa, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Finland, Iran, Italy, N.Ireland and USA gather around the digital long table to tell stories, fill in all the details and construct a conversation score of all the scores together.
Abedar Kamgari & Naseh Kamgari
Holly Timpener & Enok Ripley
James Knott & Francisco-Fernando Granados
Keith Cole & David Roche
Laura Paolini & Tomasz Szrama
Mikiki & Jan Peacock
Paul Couillard & Elvira SantamarĂa-Torres
Rita Camacho Lomeli & Alejandro Tamayo
SA Smythe & Autumn Knight
Tanya Mars & Myriam Laplante
Moderated by Francesco Gagliardi & Shannon Cochrane