Photo of Tina Lange by Uri Levinson.
Teena Lange is a performance art curator, researcher, and the artistic director of Grüntaler9 – a space towards the performative. She studied Theatre & Performance Studies, as well as Linguistics & Literature in Leipzig, Paris, and Berlin. At the Freie Universität Berlin, she worked as a Program Coordinator and Research Associate at the International Research Center “Interweaving Performance Cultures.” Additionally, she has given seminars & lectures at Freie Universität Berlin, University Istanbul, and Lithuanian University Vilnius.
Her current work includes independent performance art curation for Grüntaler9 Berlin, nGbK Berlin, Savvy Contemporary, Month of Performance Art Berlin, Art Bosphorus Istanbul, Brooklyn International Performance Art Festival New York, >performance space< London, Musrara Mix Festival Jerusalem, Supermarket Stockholm, Poppositions Brussels, amongst others. She is Co-Founder and Vice President of Association for Performance Art Berlin (APAB).