Year: 1993
November 1993
October 1993
FACE (Memory of the Epidermis)
FACE (Memory of the Epidermis) by Tari Ito
Co-presented by A Space and supported by The Japan Foundation.
The artist would like to thank Aiko Suzuki, Leena Raudvee, David Warren, Naoko Murakoshi, A Space, The Japan Foundation and Canada Square.
“When life comes to an end, the epidermis, which has repeated the process of the birth and death of cells every day, is released from duty. The memory of the cell re-emerges and another individual is made. I don’t feel these processes, because I live in the world of outward stimuli. But there is always the possibility of meeting in a place hitherto unimagined—a sensation of original nostalgia. It is a smell or a wind which touches the skin. The skin is a translator of the inward impulse.”
Tari Ito
© Tari Ito, FACE (Memory of the Epidermis), 1993. Photo Paul Couillard.
September 1993
August 1993
July 1993
June 1993
May 1993
April 1993
March 1993
February 1993
January 1993
E-Bulletin Green
This scent is an homage to the future; for things to come. Cut grass, string bean, coriander, and ivy diffuse a smell of ever-green, or the eternal return, however you decide.
Top Notes
cut grass, lovage, coriander
Middle Notes
string bean, fennel
Base Notes
ivy leaves, moss